Monday, September 18, 2017

How To Throw A Curveball

How To Throw A Curveball 

When he was in his prime, Barry Zito had one of the best curveballs in the game of baseball. His curveball was his strikeout pitch and it was very difficult to see when the pitch was coming. The type of curveball he would throw is often referred to as a 12-to-6 curveball. Look at the strike zone as if there were a giant clock in it with the 12 hand being above the catchers head and the 6 hand being at the catchers shin, the ball would start out as if it were going to hit the 12 above the catchers head, but it would end up breaking so hard that it would hit the 6 at the catchers shin. This is why this type of curveball is called the 12-to-6. It is one of the hardest pitches to see and hit in the game of baseball. But a 12-to-6 curveball is one of the most difficult pitches to master.


How to Throw Harder and Faster in Baseball

How to Throw Harder and Faster in Baseball

The number one reason pitchers have to quit the game of baseball is they don't throw hard enough or fast enough in baseball to be effective. Most pitchers in the MLB throw at least 90MPH and usually or more effective the harder they throw. There are always exceptions like Jamie Moyer and Tim Wakefield but they are very good at what they do.

The number one reason pitchers never learn to throw harder and faster is because they do not throw enough. When I was younger, my friends and I were able to throw for hours and none of us ever complained of a sore arm. One of my childhood friends was even drafted as a pitcher. Nowadays, little league is treated like the Major Leagues. Dads are always watching for the "next big thing" and they're sure their kid is it. The main problem with little league, however, is the strict pitch count rule. I like to call them dog leashes.

How could you ever possibly learn to throw harder and faster if you are always restricted? If you want to throw harder and faster you have to throw as hard as you can more often. Do 100m sprinters get faster by running marathons? NO. So why do we treat pitchers like marathoners?

Monday, September 4, 2017

Diets and dieting Motivation

How do you rate the difficulty of dieting and losing weight on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 meaning it's very easy for you and 10 meaning it's really hard?

The average difficulty rating seems to be around 8. That's an unscientific, anecdotal based estimate.

If you "failed" at diets in the past and look at your next weight loss attempt with trepidation, it's most likely because you have a high dieting difficulty self-rating.

Unfortunately, diets, of necessity, force you to do things, eat foods, and eat in certain ways that are outside of your norm. Plus, you probably need to eat less than you're used to and if you don't do that right you get hungry and grouchy and hate the whole experience.


A Beginner’s Guide to the Smith Machine Bench Press

  A Beginner’s Guide to the Smith Machine Bench Press: Mastering Technique for Maximum Gains The Smith Machine bench press is a fantastic ex...